Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Google Inc (GOOG): The High Was Printed

The big open gap on Friday will not be easily filled. For bears that will be the final capitulation, in case price will manage to go back to $600. Looking at the chart I think however that this opens a corrective phase that could bring price down to about $490. In fact, after the top at $629.51 on 4 Jan, GOOG moved down to $520 on 25 Feb. It is an $110 leg. The retracement of this last up leg was about 2/3 of the down move.
This gap looks like a breakaway gap.

From Twitter:
Google Spends a Bundle on Ads — But Why?
How did your GOOG earning play turn out.....
look at the divergence of GOOG and AAPL stock performance in recent weeks....
GOOG was an accident waiting to happen...
GOOGLE beat on earnings and got slammed
420-440 is the next target
The Truth and the Periphery: Tell Me GOOGLE, which way is the SP500 really headed?:
It will rebound hard.
Wouldn't be surprised 2 see $GOOG continue down on Monday.

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