Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Types of Trade Talk

On Daily Speculations this is one of the best posts published lately by Victor Niederhoffer.
What are the many types of people who disseminate their views about the market?
Of all the characters this is the one I like the most, because I think these guys populates the web and the blogosphere:
There's the would be manager, the personage without funds who wishes to impress you with his knowledge and ideas so that you will put money up with him.

There were excellent comments. This is my favorite:
What about the lone sailor, who everyday has to keep going, no matter how big or flat the seas may be, sometimes finding big treasures and maybe losing them in a big storm, or finding nothing at all. No one to blame for his loses or wins but himself.
The seas have him forever, maybe its the thought of more treasure that drives him, or the chase, but whatever the reason he can not go back to dry land.
He may have been net way ahead, in terms of his wealth, if he only he worked for the city, but such insanity would be 100times worse than trying to navigate the seas.
So with no other options everyday he sets sail, working to navigate today a little better than yesterday.

I felt to reply:
Paolo Pezzutti


your comment is very insightful. May be it is so close to my profession… There is an incredible similarity between the sea and the markets. You navigate to see something new, unexpected. Because stability and routine are harmful to morale. Because you see life as a continuous search. You can find treasures or storms. Most of the times, you do not get rich, but that is not the purpose. The purpose is the search, the quest, the chase of the prize.

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